Fragrance Culture in the Ottoman Empire
In the Ottoman period, a special importance was given to fragrances.
Since the fragrance directly affects the mood of the person, it was used both in daily life and in hospitals. In the Ottoman Empire, the smell appears from time to time as a part of the state policy. For example, the sprinkling of rose water on the hands of the ambassadors before being admitted to the presence, the amber wood that the sultan's Grand Vizier and even the Grand Viziers used before they went to the Divan-i Hümayun.
Among the people, he adorned some customs and traditions. When you go to see a girl in the Ottoman Empire, you take the scent of lilies with you. Fragrances such as carnation, rose jasmine, geranium, etc. are put in the dowry chests of the girls to be married.
Fragrance was a way of life for the Ottomans. Rose, musk and amber were the most used fragrances in daily life. While people were using these scents, places were never neglected. The censers, which are now completely gone, have scented houses, mosques and madrasas with incense burned in them for centuries. The coffees are scented with amber; fragrant hookahs are smoked; candles with musk, amber and camphor were produced. Fragrant inks, musky, floral watery food and sherbet recipes are created; Mental illnesses were treated with fragrances.
The scents most used by the Ottomans in daily life were rose, musk and amber scents. While people were using these scents, places were never neglected. The censers, which are now completely gone, have scented houses, mosques and madrasas with incense burned in them for centuries.
In Ottoman tradition, amber, musk, sandalwood, oud and rose water were supplied by the lala from the Treasury-i Hümayun to be prepared on the 15th day of Ramadan.
This fragrance, which was prepared with rituals, was presented to the sultan in the mosque where he participated in the Night of Power.
The scenting of the Sacred Relics would be as follows.
"After the morning prayer, 12 landlords enter the door that opens to the section where all the holy relics are located, by applying rose oil. These landlords must not have colds, flu or illness, be fasting and have wudu. They used to wipe the cabinets and doors of the room where the Hırka-i Saadet and Sakal-ı Şerif were located. According to the information in the archive, the scent of Asr-ı Saadet includes musk, amber, oud, sandalwood, rose oil and rose water."